Devised by the Ignition Sequence (Isotope proprietors James Sime and Kirsten Baldock and iFanboy co-founder Ron Richards) MorrisonCon was first announced in January as a kind of hip, forward-thinking antidote to the organizational chaos and overt commercialism of the traditional comic book show. A collaboration with preeminent superhero comics writer Grant Morrison, the event was also pitched as a mind-bending and life-changing experience whose enigmatic early hype material actually recalled some of the writer's more audacious work.

MorrisonCon came and went last weekend in Las Vegas, and it was definitely, resoundingly and victoriously one of those things, and a pleasant enough amount of the other. I was palpably skeptical of how much I would enjoy a convention seemingly based around the celebration of a single author, but I was pleasantly surprised to discover that the organizers oversold the idolatry and undersold the innovative format. A helpful way of thinking about MorrisonCon is to replace MorrisonCon-vention in your mind with MorrisonCon-ference, because a conference is what the event actually was, and what made MorrisonCon one of if not the most enjoyable comic book conclaves I've ever been a part of.